O'i ystlys bur yn cwympo i lawr Yn afon fawr lifeiriol, Maddeuant llawn a hedd di-drai, Sydd i barhau'n dragwyddol. Rhaid imi gael pob grās, pob dawn, O'th drysor llawn yn gyfan; Ac oni chāf, fy enaid prudd A gyll y dydd yn fuan. Dy wisg Dy Hun, cyflawnder hael, Raid imi gael yn mlaenaf; Nid oes ond ofni dąn fy mron Nes caffwyf hon am danaf. Dy nerth drachefn, rho imi'n rhan; Nid wyf ond gwąn yn erbyn Torf o elynion creulawn cry' Yn wastad sy'n fy nghanlyn. O! fy Iachawdwr gwerthfawr, rhād! Nid oes ond gwaed Dy galon, Yn unig gysur dąn y ne' Ddiddana'r pererinion.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MS 8787]:
gwelir: |
From his pure side falling down As a great flowing river, Full forgiveness and unebbing peace, Is to endure eternally. I must get every grace, every gift, From thy full treasure completely; And unless I do, my sad soul Shall lose the day soon. Thy own clothing, generous Righteousness, Is what I must get foremost; There is only fearing under my breast, Until I get this around me. Thy strength again, give me as a portion; I am only weak against A crowd of cruel, strong enemies Who are constantly following me. O my precious, gracious Saviour! There is only the blood of Thy heart, As an only comfort under heaven Which will comfort the pilgrims.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |